One of the most seemingly silly questions RVers ask is regarding the type of toilet paper they should be using. The truth is, however, this isn’t a silly question at all. Choosing the right toilet paper for your RV is an important part of keeping your plumbing and black tank as healthy as possible.

Choosing the best toilet paper for your RV has less to do with your comfort and more to do with your RV’s black holding tank. Fluffy, plush toilet paper like Charmin is the worst choice possible. Although it’s comfortable, it absorbs water quickly and can clog your system. Harsher toilet paper that is typically more affordable isn’t a smart choice because you tend to use more anyway. Most toilet paper companies have phone numbers you can call with questions regarding whether their toilet paper is safe for RVs, however, this doesn’t always get you the right answer, which can damage your RV. So, how can you find a happy medium that keeps you comfortable, yet doesn’t wreak havoc on your plumbing system?

One crucial part of choosing a toilet paper is considering it’s dissolvability. The quicker it can dissolve the better a choice it is. Determining how dissolvable your toilet paper is can be done using what is called the “dissolvability test.”

This easy test will tell you within 1 day whether your toilet paper of choice is RV friendly. Simply take a container or jar, fill it with water, add one sheet of your toilet paper of choice, and shake it once. Leave the jar to sit for one day. If your toilet paper is mostly or completely dissolved rock on and enjoy! If not, try some other brands and continue to look for one that passes the test.

Many RVers swear by Scott RV and Marine brand, which dissolves quickly without sacrificing on comfort. While there’s big money to be made by specialty toilet paper companies, don’t fall into the trap of believing you need to spend more money on these toilet papers to protect your RV. A 4-pack of Scott Rapid Dissolving toilet paper runs about $3.17, while specialty toilet papers can run comparably or slightly more, but are not as comfortable.

Choosing the best toilet paper for your RV is a personal decision. Ask any RVer out there which toilet paper they prefer or what their thoughts are on toilet paper use in RVs as a whole and you’ll get a million different answers. Try different brands, perform the dissolvability test, and learn what works for you.

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